Department of Justice Reports for February 1978
- FPCD-77-54 - Problems with Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures Need To Be Resolved (1978-02-02)
- CED-78-21 - Stronger Federal Enforcements Needed To Uphold Fair Housing Laws (1978-02-02)
- 104856 - Department of Justice's Enforcement Activities Regarding the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as Amended (1978-02-06)
- PAD-78-4 - Handgun Control (1978-02-06)
Effectiveness and Costs - GGD-78-19 - Voting Rights Act (1978-02-06)
Enforcement Needs Strengthening - PAD-78-50 - What Can Be Done about Overcrowding in Long-Term Federal Correctional Facilities (1978-02-10)
- B-115398 - President's Fifth Special Message for Fiscal Year 1978 (1978-02-14)
- GGD-78-1 - The FBI's System for Managing Investigative Resources and Measuring Results (1978-02-15)
Improvements Are Being Made - HRD-78-50 - Number of Newly Arrived Aliens Who Receive Supplemental Security Income Needs To Be Reduced (1978-02-22)
- GGD-77-92 - Housing Federal Prisoners in Non-Federal Facilities Is Becoming More Difficult (1978-02-23)
- GGD-77-86 - U.S. Attorneys Do Not Prosecute Many Suspected Violators of Federal Laws (1978-02-27)