Department of Justice Reports for January 1979
- CED-78-165 - Improvements Needed in Controlling Major Air Pollution Sources (1979-01-02)
- B-193462 - Standards for Admission To Practice in the Federal Courts (1979-01-02)
- PSAD-79-14 - Financial Status of Major Federal Acquisitions, September 30, 1978 (1979-01-11)
- GGD-79-15 - Information on Immigration in 17 Countries (1979-01-12)
- CED-79-34 - Review of the Cost of the Redwood National Park Expansion (1979-01-15)
- GGD-78-93 - FBI Can Improve Its Management Control Over Operations by Providing Effective Internal Audit (1979-01-17)
- OIM-79-02 - Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on the Operations of Civil Departments and Agencies (1979-01-22)
- B-193282 - Lump-Sum Appropriation for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Department of Justice] (1979-01-25)