Department of Justice Reports for April 1979
- B-194265 - Contention That Nonjudicial Punishment Was Improperly Imposed (1979-04-02)
- OGC-79-10 - Release of Budget Authority and Comments on a Revision to a Previously Proposed Rescission (1979-04-05)
- B-129874 - Improvement of H.R. 81's Lobbying Disclosure Administrative and Enforcement Mechanisms (1979-04-05)
- 109020 - The 1978-79 Flu Program (1979-04-06)
- GGD-79-45 - Impact of the Exclusionary Rule on Federal Criminal Prosecutions (1979-04-19)
- FPCD-79-15 - Employee Standards of Conduct (1979-04-24)
Improvements Needed in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and the Navy Resale System Office - ID-79-20 - The Indochinese Exodus (1979-04-24)
A Humanitarian Dilemma - 109173 - Internal Revenue Service's Efforts Directed at Multiple False Filers (1979-04-24)
- GGD-79-54 - Department of Justice Should Explore the Feasibility of a Uniform Identification System for Marking Personal Property (1979-04-25)
- 109204 - Indochina Refugee Assistance Programs (1979-04-25)