Department of Justice Reports for September 1981
- ID-81-35 - U.S. Laws and Regulations Applicable to Imports From Nonmarket Economies Could Be Improved (1981-09-03)
- ID-81-38 - Unresolved Issues Remain Concerning U.S. Participation in the International Energy Agency (1981-09-08)
- PAD-81-87 - Status Report on Implementation of GAO's Audit Findings and Recommendations (1981-09-10)
- GGD-81-105 - Faster Processing of DOD Personnel Security Clearances Could Avoid Millions in Losses (1981-09-15)
- GGD-81-87 - Potential Problem With Federal Tax System Postemployment Conflicts of Interest Can Be Prevented (1981-09-15)
- B-204409(JAB) - William C. Ragland v. United States] (1981-09-15)
- 116387 - Improving the Effectiveness of Criminal Forfeiture of Assets (1981-09-16)
- GGD-81-104 - More Than Money Is Needed To Solve Problems Faced by State and Local Corrections Agencies (1981-09-23)
- GGD-81-102 - Fewer Agent Transfers Should Benefit the FBI and Its Agents as Well as Save Money (1981-09-24)
- AFMD-81-111 - Approval of Accounting System Design for the Department of Justice Property Management System (1981-09-30)
- AFMD-81-73 - Fraud in Government Programs (1981-09-30)
How Extensive Is It and How Can It Be Controlled (Volume II) - HRD-81-158 - Review of Department of Labor's Program for Handling Union Election Complaints (1981-09-30)