Administration of Justice
Assistance to State/Local Governments for Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 Gao ID: GGD-88-53FS March 2, 1988Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information concerning the Department of Justice's (DOJ) and the Department of the Treasury's assistance to state and local governments for the administration of justice.
GAO found that DOJ and Treasury provided: (1) about $245 million and $371 million for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, respectively, to state and local governments; (2) assistance primarily through grants programs, proceeds from seized and forfeited assets, a drug eradication program, and correctional programs; (3) service-related assistance such as training, law enforcement coordination, and witness security; and (4) property-related assistance through equipment loans, the transfer of excess federal property to state and local detention facilities, and the distribution of forfeited property.