Department of Justice Reports for April 1988
- GGD-88-45BR - Juvenile Justice (1988-04-06)
Grant to the National Partnership To Prevent Drug and Alcohol Abuse - GGD-88-62 - INS' Krome Detention Center (1988-04-07)
Data Show No Felon Records - T-OSI-88-2 - Effectiveness of the Government's Attack on La Cosa Nostra (1988-04-11)
- GGD-88-54 - Tax Administration (1988-04-11)
Opportunities Exist for Improving IRS' Administration of Alien Taxpayer Programs - T-GGD-88-27 - Immigration Reform (1988-04-14)
Implementation of Legalization Program - T-GGD-88-26 - Justice Department (1988-04-15)
Impediments Faced in Litigating and Collecting Debts Owed the Government - HRD-88-53 - Asbestos (1988-04-21)
Growth of Federal Claims, Court Cases, and Litigation Costs - PEMD-88-16 - Immigration Service (1988-04-22)
INS' Technology Selection Process Is Weak, Informal, and Inconsistently Applied - IMTEC-88-21 - ADP Architecture (1988-04-25)
Study Made for Immigration and Naturalization Service Needs Validation - GGD-88-61 - Tax Administration (1988-04-25)
Investigating Illegal Income--Success Uncertain, Improvements Needed - RCED-88-153FS - Indian Affairs (1988-04-26)
Statistical Data on Indian Rights Cases Handled by Justice