Department of Justice Reports for June 1988
- GGD-88-94 - Federal Workforce (1988-06-13)
Overtime Pay Practices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - T-GGD-88-41 - Asset Forfeiture Programs (1988-06-23)
Progress and Problems - AFMD-88-34BR - Fraud (1988-06-23)
Characteristics, Sanctions, and Prevention at Agriculture, Labor, and GSA - PEMD-88-22 - Domestic Terrorism (1988-06-23)
Prevention Efforts in Selected Federal Courts and Mass Transit Systems - GGD-88-96 - Defense Procurement Fraud (1988-06-29)
Justice's Overall Management Can Be Enhanced - T-HRD-88-20 - The Status of Asbestos Claims Against the Federal Government (1988-06-30)