Department of Justice Reports for March 1991
- RCED-91-68 - Coast Guard (1991-03-05)
Millions in Federal Costs May Not Be Recovered From Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - GGD-91-39 - U.S. Attorneys (1991-03-06)
Better Models Can Reduce Resource Disparities Among Offices - NSIAD-91-6 - International Trade (1991-03-08)
Easing Foreign Visitors' Arrivals at U.S. Airports - T-GGD-91-16 - Asset Forfeiture (1991-03-13)
Opportunities to Improve Program Administration - T-GGD-91-14 - U.S. Attorneys (1991-03-13)
Better Models Can Help Reduce Resource Disparities Among Offices - GGD-91-54 - Federal Prisons (1991-03-14)
Revised Design Standards Could Save Expansion Funds - T-NSIAD-91-13 - Iraq's Participation in the Commodity Credit Corporation's GSM-102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs (1991-03-14)
- GGD-91-27 - Government Vehicles (1991-03-15)
Officials Now Rarely Receive Unauthorized Home-to-work Transportation - T-IMTEC-91-6 - Justice's Weak ADP Security Compromises Sensitive Data (1991-03-21)
- NSIAD-91-137 - Refugee Assistance (1991-03-21)
U.S. Contributions for the 1980s - GGD-91-72BR - Border Patrol (1991-03-28)
Southwest Border Enforcement Affected by Mission Expansion and Budget