Department of Justice Reports for June 1992
- NSIAD-92-123 - Multiple Award Schedule Purchases (1992-06-02)
Changes Are Needed to Improve Agencies' Ordering Practices - NSIAD-92-165 - U.S.-Japan Codevelopment (1992-06-05)
Update of the FS-X Program - NSIAD-92-226 - The Drug War (1992-06-05)
Extent of Problems in Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela - T-HRD-92-38 - VA Health Care (1992-06-10)
Efforts To Improve Pharmacies' Controls Over Addictive Drugs - GGD-92-85 - Immigration Control (1992-06-25)
Immigration Policies Affect INS Detention Efforts - T-GGD-92-52 - Law Enforcement (1992-06-26)
Information on the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Gang Reporting, Evaluation, and Tracking System