Department of Justice Reports for September 1992
- GGD-92-135FS - Defense Procurement Fraud (1992-09-17)
Information on Plea Agreements and Settlements - NSIAD-92-338 - Aid to El Salvador (1992-09-22)
Slow Progress in Developing a National Civilian Police - IMTEC-92-83 - Computer Security (1992-09-22)
DEA Is Not Adequately Protecting Sensitive Drug Enforcement Data - GGD-92-33R - Retention of Convicted Felons in Civil Service (1992-09-23)
- GGD-92-141 - Federal Jail Bedspace (1992-09-24)
Cost Savings and Greater Accuracy Possible in the Capacity Expansion Plan - GGD-92-133 - Bankruptcy Administration (1992-09-28)
Justification Lacking for Continuing Two Parallel Programs - T-IMTEC-92-24 - Computer Security (1992-09-30)
DEA's Handling of Sensitive Drug Enforcement and National Security Information Is Inadequate