Management Problems and Program Issues Gao ID: T-GGD-95-11 October 5, 1994This testimony discusses the management and program problems that confronted the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) when she took office in November 1993. For instance, the backlog of aliens requesting asylum is large and growing. The demand for naturalization and other benefits is such that INS cannot meet its own processing time goal in some districts. In fiscal year 1993, almost 500 people were processed for entry into the United States. The identification and removal of criminal and illegal aliens remains an enormous problem. The flow of aliens across the Southwest border continues. Crisis situations that INS must respond to, such as the recent influx of Haitians and Cubans, add to its workload. Many of these problems persist; however, INS seems to be aware of them and appears to be making progress addressing them.