Department of Justice Reports for August 1994
- NSIAD-94-233 - Drug Control (1994-08-02)
Interdiction Efforts in Central America Have Had Little Impact on the Flow of Drugs - T-NSIAD-94-251 - Drug Control (1994-08-02)
U.S. Counterdrug Activities in Central America - HEHS-94-220 - Health Care (1994-08-05)
Federal and State Antitrust Actions Concerning the Health Care Industry - HEHS-94-224R - Pell Grants for Prison Inmates (1994-08-05)
- T-AIMD-94-173 - Electronic Surveillance (1994-08-11)
Technologies Continue to Pose Challenges - NSIAD-94-186R - Drug Control in Peru (1994-08-16)