FBI Cost of Freemen Standoff
Gao ID: GGD-97-13R October 22, 1996The cost of the 81-day standoff between the FBI and the Montana Freemen totaled $7.5 million. About half of that amount went for the salaries and benefits of FBI agents, which would have been incurred in any event. The remaining costs arose directly from the standoff and included such items as overtime, travel, lease of special vehicles, food, and costs incurred by Montana officers. For example, the FBI spent $472,000 for scheduled overtime for FBI agents; $1.6 million for travel, such as transportation and per diem expenses; and $915,000 for miscellaneous costs, ranging from $397,000 for the lease and modification of light-armored vehicles to $341,000 for the rental of equipment such as searchlights and generators.