Department of Justice Reports for March 1996
- NSIAD-96-83 - Drug Control (1996-03-01)
U.S. Heroin Program Encounters Many Obstacles in Southeast Asia - HEHS-96-34 - At-Risk and Delinquent Youth (1996-03-06)
Multiple Federal Programs Raise Efficiency Questions - NSIAD-96-38 - Peace Operations (1996-03-06)
U.S. Costs in Support of Haiti, Former Yugoslavia, Somalia, and Rwanda - GGD-96-51 - U.S. Postal Service (1996-03-11)
Unresolved Issues in the International Mail Market - GGD-96-65 - Border Patrol (1996-03-11)
Staffing and Enforcement Activities - HEHS-96-111R - Fraud and Abuse Provisions in H.R. 3063 (1996-03-18)
- T-GGD-96-40 - Asset Forfeiture (1996-03-19)
Historical Perspective on Asset Forfeiture Issues - NSIAD/RCED-96-76BR - Terrorism and Drug Trafficking (1996-03-27)
Threats and Roles of Explosives and Narcotics Detection Technology - AIMD-96-67 - Financial Audit (1996-03-29)
Independent Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 1995 - GGD-96-17 - Use of Force (1996-03-29)
ATF Policy, Training and Review Process Are Comparable to DEA's and FBI's