Department of Justice Reports for March 1997
- T-GGD-97-51 - Naturalization of Aliens (1997-03-05)
Assessment of the Extent to Which Aliens Were Improperly Naturalized - HEHS-97-52 - Campus Crime (1997-03-11)
Difficulties Meeting Federal Reporting Requirements - GGD-97-42 - Drug Control (1997-03-14)
Observations on Elements of the Federal Drug Control Strategy - RCED-97-88R - Aviation Security (1997-03-25)
Posting Notices at Domestic Airports - OGC-97-32 - INS and DOJ Executive Office for Immigration Review (1997-03-28)
Inspection and Expedited Removal of Aliens, Detention and Removal of Aliens, Conduct of Removal Proceedings, and Asylum Procedures - AIMD-97-64 - Financial Audit (1997-03-31)
Independent Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 1996