Illegal Immigration
Information on Illegal Immigrants and Automobile Insurance in California Gao ID: GGD-97-172R September 5, 1997Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO studied the extent to which illegal immigrants operate motor vehicles in California without automobile insurance, focusing on whether the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Criminal Alien Identification Pilot Program, and the city of Anaheim, California, detention facility, had any information available on illegal immigrants driving without automobile insurance.
GAO noted that: (1) it identified estimates of: (a) U.S. illegal immigration; (b) California uninsured motorists; and (c) costs to California consumers from uninsured motorists; (2) GAO was, however, unable to find any information on the extent to which illegal immigrants in California were also uninsured motorists; (3) at the Anaheim detention facility, GAO found that, while some criminal aliens in detention were charged with driving without automobile insurance, the officials did not know whether other illegal aliens who drove had insurance; and (4) consequently, data were not available to show the percentage of illegal immigrants in California who did not have automobile insurance.