Department of Justice Reports for November 1998
- GGD-99-2 - Abortion Clinics (1998-11-10)
Information on the Effectiveness of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act - NSIAD-99-3 - Combating Terrorism (1998-11-12)
Opportunities to Improve Domestic Preparedness Program Focus and Efficiency - AIMD-99-36R - Independent Counsel (1998-11-17)
- GGD-99-7 - Combating Terrorism (1998-11-20)
FBI's Use of Federal Funds for Counterterrorism-Related Activities (FYs 1995-1998) - AIMD-99-15 - Internal Revenue Service (1998-11-30)
Physical Security Over Taxpayer Receipts and Data Needs Improvement