Department of Justice Reports for May 1998
- AA-98-8(2) - Administration of Justice Issue Area (1998-05-01)
Active Assignments - AIMD-98-140R - Independent Counsels (1998-05-01)
Inquiry Regarding Expenditures - T-RCED-98-190 - Aviation Security (1998-05-14)
Progress Being Made, but Long-term Attention Is Needed - T-OGC-98-52 - Legal Availability of Funds (1998-05-19)
Expenses of Election Officer Supervision of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters 1996 Election Rerun - GGD-98-111 - Law Enforcement (1998-05-28)
Information on Drug-Related Police Corruption - GGD-98-131R - Assessment of Contractor's Review of INS' Analysis of a Random Sample of Recently Naturalized Aliens (1998-05-28)
- GGD-98-129R - Comparison of Foreign Lobbying Registrations (1998-05-29)
- GGD-98-113R - Juvenile Justice (1998-05-29)
Federal Funding of Juvenile-Specific Law Enforcement Programs - GGD-98-134R - Observations on the Department of Justice's Fiscal Year 1999 Performance Plan (1998-05-29)