Department of Justice Reports for November 1999
- GGD-00-30 - Survey Methodology (1999-11-01)
An Innovative Technique for Estimating Sensitive Survey Items - GGD-00-16 - Large Bank Mergers (1999-11-03)
Fair Lending Review Could be Enhanced With Better Coordination - T-OSI-00-3 - Private Banking (1999-11-09)
Raul Salinas, Citibank, and Alleged Money Laundering - T-HEHS-00-30 - Medicaid (1999-11-09)
Federal and State Leadership Needed to Control Fraud And Abuse - HEHS-00-2 - Supplemental Security Income (1999-11-22)
Incentive Payments Have Reduced Benefit Overpayments to Prisoners - AIMD-00-17 - Seized Drugs and Weapons (1999-11-30)
DEA Needs to Improve Certain Physical Safeguards and Strengthen Accountability