Department of Justice Reports for March 1999
- T-NSIAD/AIMD-99-99 - State Department (1999-03-04)
Major Management Challenges and Program Risks - T-NSIAD/GGD-99-107 - Combating Terrorism (1999-03-11)
Observations on Federal Spending to Combat Terrorism - T-NSIAD-99-112 - Combating Terrorism (1999-03-16)
Observations on Biological Terrorism and Public Health Initiatives - RCED-99-85 - Superfund Program (1999-03-18)
Activities of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Department of Justice - T-GGD-99-34 - Securities Fraud (1999-03-22)
The Internet Poses Challenges to Regulators and Investors - T-GGD/AIMD-99-129 - INS Budget (1999-03-24)
Overhiring and Decline in Revenues Have Created Fiscal Stress - GGD-99-41 - Asset Forfeiture (1999-03-26)
Marshals Service Controls Over Seized Assets - NSIAD-99-67 - Visa Issuance (1999-03-26)
Issues Concerning the Religious Worker Visa Program - NSIAD-99-122R - Military Operations (1999-03-29)
DOD's Disaster Relief Assistance in Response to Hurricane Mitch - HEHS-99-88R - At-Risk and Delinquent Youths (1999-03-30)
Fiscal Year 1998 Programs - GGD-99-31 - Drug Control (1999-03-30)
INS and Customs Can Do More To Prevent Drug-Related Employee Corruption