Department of Justice Reports for August 1999
- AIMD-99-193 - Internal Revenue Service (1999-08-04)
Custodial Financial Management Weaknesses - NSIAD-99-195 - Foreign Assistance (1999-08-04)
U.S. Rule of Law Assistance to Five Latin American Countries - HEHS-99-170 - Medicare Fraud and Abuse (1999-08-06)
DOJ's Implementation of False Claims Act Guidance in National Initiatives Varies - GGD-99-132 - Anti-Car Theft Act (1999-08-13)
Issues Concerning Additional Federal Funding of Vehicle Title System - OSI-99-18R - FBI (1999-08-13)
Delivery of ATF Report on TWA Flight 800 Crash - GGD-99-146 - Prison Work Programs (1999-08-18)
Inmates' Access to Personal Information - RCED-99-223 - Telecommunications (1999-08-20)
Process by Which Mergers of Local Telephone Companies Are Reviewed - NSIAD/OSI-99-133 - Department of Defense (1999-08-26)
Military Assistance Provided at Branch Davidian Incident