Financial Audit
Independent Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 1999 Gao ID: AIMD-00-120 March 31, 2000This report presents GAO's audit of expenditures reported by eight offices of independent counsel for the six months ended September 30, 1999. GAO found that the statements of expenditures for the offices of independent counsel Arlin M. Adams/Larry D. Thompson, David M. Barrett, Carol Elder Bruce, Ralph I. Lancaster, Daniel S. Pearson, Donald C. Smalz, Kenneth W. Starr, and Curtis E. von Kann were fairly presented in all material respects. GAO's consideration of internal controls found no material weaknesses. Furthermore, GAO found no reportable instances of noncompliance with laws and regulations.
GAO noted that: (1) the statements of expenditures for OIC were fairly presented in all material respects; (2) GAO's consideration of internal controls, which was limited for the purpose of determining GAO's procedures for auditing the statements of expenditures disclosed no material weaknesses; and (3) GAO's audits included limited tests of compliance with laws and regulations that disclosed no reportable instances of noncompliance with the laws and regulations GAO tested.