FBI Intelligence Investigations

Coordination Within Justice on Counterintelligence Criminal Matters Is Limited Gao ID: GAO-01-780 July 16, 2001

This report reviews the coordination efforts involved in foreign counterintelligence investigations where the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has been or may be employed. The act established (1) requirements and a process for seeking electronic surveillance and physical search authority in national security investigations seeking foreign intelligence and counterintelligence information within the United States and (2) the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which has jurisdiction to hear applications for and grant orders approving Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act surveillance and searches. GAO found that coordination between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Criminal Division has been limited in those foreign counterintelligence cases in which criminal activity is indicated and surveillance and searches have been, or may be, employed. A key factor inhibiting this coordination is the concern over how the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or another federal court might rule on the primary purpose of the surveillance or search in light of such coordination. In addition, the FBI and the Criminal Division differ on the interpretations of DOJ's 1995 procedures concerning counterintelligence investigations. In January 2000, the Attorney General issued additional procedures to address these coordination concerns. These procedures, among other things, required the FBI to submit case summaries to the Criminal Division and established a protocol for briefing Criminal Division officials about those investigations. In addition, the FBI established two mechanisms to ensure compliance with the Attorney General's 1995 procedures. These mechanisms include (1) requiring the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review to notify the FBI and the Criminal Division of investigations it believes meets the requirements of the 1995 procedures and (2) establishing a core group of high-level officials to oversee coordination issues. However, these efforts have not been institutionalized in management directives or written administrative policies or procedures.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Team: Phone:

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