Department of Justice Reports for March 2004
- GAO-04-524T - Prescription Drugs (2004-03-04)
State Monitoring Programs May Help to Reduce Illegal Diversion - GAO-04-501T - Combating Terrorism (2004-03-04)
Federal Agencies Face Continuing Challenges in Addressing Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering - GAO-04-338 - Criminal Debt (2004-03-05)
Actions Still Needed to Address Deficiencies in Justice's Collection Processes - GAO-04-430 - Contract Management (2004-03-12)
Agencies Can Achieve Significant Savings on Purchase Card Buys - GAO-04-411 - Federal Law Enforcement (2004-03-19)
Information on Use of Investigation and Arrest Statistics - GAO-04-578T - FBI Transformation (2004-03-23)
FBI Continues to Make Progress in Its Efforts to Transform and Address Priorities - GAO-04-245 - Grants Management (2004-03-24)
Despite Efforts to Improve Weed and Seed Program Management, Challenges Remain - GAO-04-447R - Agencies' Use of Procurement Flexibilities Provided in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-296) (2004-03-31)
- GAO-04-525 - Financial Audit (2004-03-31)
Independent Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2003