Department of Justice Reports for May 2004
- GAO-04-757T - File Sharing Program (2004-05-06)
Users of Peer-to-Peer Networks Can Readily Access Child Pornography - GAO-04-710T - Investigating Money Laundering And Terrorist Financing (2004-05-11)
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Face Continuing Coordination Challenges - GAO-04-96 - Energy Markets (2004-05-17)
Effects of Mergers and Market Concentration in the U.S. Petroleum Industry - GAO-04-472 - Undocumented Aliens (2004-05-21)
Questions Persist about Their Impact on Hospitals' Uncompensated Care Costs - GAO-04-741R - GSA Actions Leading to Proposed Debarment of WorldCom (2004-05-26)
- GAO-04-666 - Spectrum Management (2004-05-28)
Better Knowledge Needed to Take Advantage of Technologies That May Improve Spectrum Efficiency - GAO-04-422 - U.S. Attorneys (2004-05-28)
Performance-Based Initiatives are Evolving - GAO-04-641 - Cigarette Smuggling (2004-05-28)
Federal Law Enforcement Efforts and Seizures Increasing - GAO-04-503 - File Sharing (2004-05-28)
Selected Universities Report Taking Action to Reduce Copyright Infringement - GAO-04-616SP - Survey of Supervisors at U.S. Attorneys' Offices (2004-05-28)