Department of Justice Reports for June 2005
- GAO-05-699R - Interim Report on the Effects of COPS Funds on the Decline in Crime during the 1990s (2005-06-03)
- GAO-05-478 - Elections (2005-06-10)
Additional Data Could Help State and Local Elections Officials Maintain Accurate Voter Registration Lists - GAO-05-822T - Immigration Enforcement (2005-06-21)
Preliminary Observations on Employment Verification and Worksite Enforcement Efforts - GAO-05-340 - Energy Savings (2005-06-22)
Performance Contracts Offer Benefits, but Vigilance Is Needed to Protect Government Interests - GAO-05-853T - State Department (2005-06-29)
Improvements Needed to Strengthen U.S. Passport Fraud Detection Efforts