Department of Justice Reports for September 2005
- GAO-05-372 - Prescription Drugs (2005-09-08)
Strategic Framework Would Promote Accountability and Enhance Efforts to Enforce the Prohibitions on Personal Importation - GAO-05-363 - Information Technology (2005-09-09)
FBI Is Taking Steps to Develop an Enterprise Architecture, but Much Remains to Be Accomplished - GAO-05-1014T - Information Technology (2005-09-14)
FBI Is Building Management Capabilities Essential to Successful System Deployments, but Challenges Remain - GAO-05-747 - Tax Administration (2005-09-15)
Systematic Information Sharing Would Help IRS Determine the Deductibility of Civil Settlement Payments - GAO-05-238 - Drug Offenders (2005-09-26)
Various Factors May Limit the Impacts of Federal Laws That Provide for Denial of Selected Benefits - GAO-05-1055R - Agency Telework Methodologies (2005-09-27)
Departments of Commerce, Justice, State, the Small Business Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission - GAO-05-1002R - Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (2005-09-28)
Program Status - GAO-05-961 - Financial Audit (2005-09-30)
Independent and Special Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended March 31, 2005