Department of Labor Reports for September 2002
- GAO-02-1074 - Workforce Investment Act (2002-09-05)
Interim Report on Status of Spending and States' Available Funds - GAO-02-881 - High-Skill Training (2002-09-20)
Grants from H-1B Visa Fees Meet Specific Workforce Needs, but at Varying Skill Levels - GAO-02-1130 - Proteccion Del Trabajador (2002-09-26)
Los Esfuerzos del Departmento de Trabajo de Hacer Complir la Proteccion de los Jornaleros Se Beneficiaria Con Mejores Datos y Orientacion - GAO-02-925 - Worker Protection (2002-09-26)
Labor's Efforts to Enforce Protections for Day Laborers Could Benefit from Better Data and Guidance - GAO-02-880 - Child Labor (2002-09-27)
Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts to Protect Children Who Work - GAO-02-1058 - Information Management (2002-09-30)
Selected Agencies' Handling of Personal Information