Review of Requests for Supplemental Appropriations To Meet Costs of Federal Pay Raise

Gao ID: ID-77-22 March 4, 1977

The basis for and computation of requests from several agencies for supplemental appropriations to meet the costs of the October 1976 Federal pay raise were reviewed.

The supplemental amounts requested by the Peace Corps, Agency for International Development (AID), and the State Department's Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs were reasonable. The AID request was conservative due to rounding and to mathematical errors. The Export-Import Bank determined that the actual number of employees onhand was less than the budgeted number, and it needed only a $225,000 supplement instead of the $450,000 originally requested. This revised request was considered reasonable. Satisfactory documentation was available to support Peace Corps, State Department, and Export-Import Bank requests. AID was unable to provide source documents to support six percent of the amount included in its submission. The AID request for an additional $4,570,000 to meet increased costs of the Foreign Service and Disability Retirement Funds was computed by an official of the State Department in conjunction with an actuary of the Treasury Department. According to the actuary, AID's request was reasonable and conservative.

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