Department of State Reports for September 1977
- LCD-77-440 - Foreign Military Sales (1977-09-02)
A Potential Drain on the U.S. Defense Posture - ID-77-33 - Egypt's Capacity To Absorb and Use Economic Assistance Effectively (1977-09-15)
- FPCD-77-55 - Information on Military Unionization and Organization (1977-09-16)
- ID-77-58 - Payment of an Annual Housing Supplement to Employees Assigned to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York (1977-09-26)
- CED-77-132 - Responsibilities, Actions, and Coordination of Federal Agencies in International Telecommunications Services (1977-09-29)
- CED-77-96 - The U.S. Great Lakes Commercial Fishing Industry--Past, Present, and Potential (1977-09-30)