Department of the Interior Reports for October 1975
- 089384 - Survey of the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Accounting System (1975-10-14)
- RED-76-26A - Federal Coal-Leasing Program Administered by the Department of the Interior (1975-10-15)
- RED-76-26B - Recoverable Reserve Data for the 15 Largest Acreage Holders of Federal Coal Leases (1975-10-15)
- ID-76-14 - Natural Gas Shortage (1975-10-17)
The Role of Imported Liquefied Natural Gas - FGMSD-76-13 - Status, Progress, and Problems in Federal Agency Accounting During Fiscal Year 1975 (1975-10-23)
- RED-76-43 - Examination Into the Power Operations of the Boulder Canyon Project in the Bureau of Reclamation's Lower Colorado Region (1975-10-31)