Department of the Interior Reports for April 1977
- PSAD-77-93 - The Status and Problems in Constructing the National Visitor Center (1977-04-04)
- GGD-76-104 - Better Evaluations Needed to Weed Out Useless Federal Advisory Committees (1977-04-07)
- EMD-77-37 - Evaluation of the Analysis Supporting President Ford's Veto of H.R. 25, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1975 (1977-04-15)
- FGMSD-77-27 - Proposed Financial Management System for the Central Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1977-04-18)
- OGC-77-16 - Deferrals of Budget Authority for Water Resources Projects (1977-04-18)
- 101911 - Energy Reorganization Legislation (1977-04-19)
- EMD-77-34 - Energy (1977-04-28)
Issues Facing the 95th Congress