Department of the Interior Reports for September 1977
- CED-77-117 - More and Better Uses Could Be Made of Billions of Gallons of Water by Improving Irrigation Delivery Systems (1977-09-02)
- FOD-77-13 - Audit of Financial Statements of Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, Calendar Year 1976 (1977-09-13)
- GGD-77-80 - Technical Assistance (1977-09-13)
A Way To Promote Better Management of Guam's Resources and To Increase Its Self-Reliance - 103533 - S. 666, A Bill to Provide Special Retirement Benefits for Non-Indian Employees of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service (1977-09-13)
- CED-77-82 - Actions Needed to Improve the Safety of Coal Mine Waste Disposal Sites (1977-09-21)
- CED-77-96 - The U.S. Great Lakes Commercial Fishing Industry--Past, Present, and Potential (1977-09-30)