Department of the Interior Reports for March 1978
- HRD-78-59 - The Indian Self-Determination Act (1978-03-01)
Many Obstacles Remain - ID-77-62 - Compensating Micronesian World War II Claims (1978-03-07)
Controversial Awards of Claims and Difficulties Distributing Payments - OGC-78-8 - President's Sixth Special Message Pursuant to Impoundment Control Act (1978-03-13)
- EMD-78-39 - Opportunities To Resolve Some Basic Conflicts over Outer Continential Shelf Leasing and Development (1978-03-16)
- B-114868.36 - Bureau of Indian Affairs' Contract Practices Under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (1978-03-21)
- CED-78-63 - Substandard Indian Housing Increases Despite Federal Efforts (1978-03-31)
A Change Is Needed