Department of the Interior Reports for January 1979
- PSAD-79-14 - Financial Status of Major Federal Acquisitions, September 30, 1978 (1979-01-11)
- EMD-79-23 - Outer Continental Shelf Pipeline Permitting and Regulating (1979-01-12)
- CED-79-34 - Review of the Cost of the Redwood National Park Expansion (1979-01-15)
- OGC-79-6 - Deferrals Transmitted to the Congress Pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1979-01-16)
- PSAD-79-13 - Congress Needs Reliable Cost Estimates and Established Priorities for Allocating Funds for Water Resources Projects (1979-01-29)
- B-193545 - Support of Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and Federal Anti-Lobby Statutes (1979-01-29)
- CED-79-26 - Federal Response to the 1976-77 Drought (1979-01-31)
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