Department of the Interior Reports for September 1979
- CED-79-121 - Bureau of Indian Affairs' Progress in Providing Special Education Services to Indian Children (1979-09-04)
- EMD-79-105 - Impacts and Implications of the Pacific Northwest Power Bill (1979-09-04)
- EMD-79-65 - Legal and Administrative Obstacles to Extracting Other Minerals From Oil Shale (1979-09-05)
- CED-79-112 - Alternatives for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Public School Financial Assistance Program (1979-09-06)
- 110312 - Omnibus Geothermal Legislation (1979-09-06)
- B-192907 - Response to Matters Raised (1979-09-12)
- 110574 - Review of National Park Service Concession Management (1979-09-13)
- FGMSD-79-62 - Accounting System Design for the Department of Interior (1979-09-17)
- PAD-79-73 - Selected Federal Accounts (1979-09-19)
Past Outlays and GAO Recommendations - 110420 - Federal Coal Leasing (1979-09-20)
- CED-79-83 - Issues Surrounding the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1979-09-21)
- PAD-79-64 - Alternatives for Achieving Greater Equities in Federal Land Payment Programs (1979-09-25)
- CED-79-116 - How Should Alaska's Federal Recreational Lands Be Developed? Views of Alaska Residents and Visitors (1979-09-27)