Followup on GAO Recommendations at the Department of the Interior

Gao ID: RCED-83-56 December 9, 1982

GAO examined problems the Department of Interior has with followup on recommendations made in GAO reports.

GAO found that: (1) Interior's accountability for GAO reports is split between three offices; (2) although audit followup has been generally emphasized in departmental memorandums, the lack of specific direction has caused each bureau or agency to develop different and in some cases ad hoc followup procedures for GAO reports; (3) the required responses to final reports are usually late and are not specific in terms of planned actions, and followup letters on the completed action are not sent; (4) audit resolution efforts within Interior responding to P.L. 96-304 have not addressed reports pending within the agency as of July 1980; and (5) Interior's trial tracking system for audit resolution does not call for submission of a report to the Office of Management and Budget after completion of planned action, and the system's allowance for followup on overdue actions precludes a timely response.

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