Department of the Interior Reports for February 1982
- EMD-82-31 - Impediments to U.S. Involvement in Deep Ocean Mining Can Be Overcome (1982-02-03)
- EMD-82-29 - Mineral Data in the Forest Service's Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II) Is Misleading and Should Be Corrected (1982-02-04)
- 117499 - National Park Service Should Negotiate With States To Achieve Concurrent Jurisdiction (1982-02-05)
- EMD-82-34 - Accelerated Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing May Not Occur as Quickly as Anticipated (1982-02-08)
- 117494 - The Bridge Problem and Improvements Needed in Federal Bridge Programs (1982-02-10)
- 121992 - Expenditures by the National Park Service for Social Functions (1982-02-26)