Department of the Interior Reports for May 1985
- RCED-85-119 - Land Use Bibliography (1985-05-01)
- RCED-85-52 - Examination of Funds Received by the Federal Government Under Leases of Mineral Rights on the Bullhook Gas Unit (1985-05-03)
- RCED-85-6 - Selectively Reducing Offshore Royalty Rates in the Gulf of Mexico Could Increase Oil Production and Federal Government Revenue (1985-05-10)
- RCED-85-33 - The Department of the Interior's Office of Surface Mining Should More Fully Recover or Eliminate Its Costs of Regulating Coal Mining (1985-05-28)
- RCED-85-76 - The Federal Government's 1943 Acquisition of Land at Harris Neck, Georgia (1985-05-29)