Wild and Scenic Rivers
Certain Rivers Not in National System Generally Retain Original Values Gao ID: RCED-87-39 December 16, 1986In response to a congressional request, GAO provided information on development activities on 13 wild and scenic rivers under nonfederal protection, specifically: (1) water projects; (2) shoreline development; (3) resource development; (4) road and utility construction; (5) water quality; and (6) recreational use. GAO also ascertained whether the federal wild and scenic river studies included required estimates of federal land acquisition and river management costs.
GAO found that: (1) there were no new dams or other water project developments on any of the rivers since the federal studies; (2) modifications for hydroelectric production to existing dams on several of the rivers should not endanger the rivers' preexisting flow conditions; (3) although state authorities are considering major water supply diversions from two rivers, the effects of reducing the flow of water and degrading the scenic values on the rivers may well prevent development; (4) few of the rivers experienced industrial, residential, or utility developments that dramatically affected their qualities; (5) 4 rivers suffered deteriorating water quality or degrading scenic values from resource development activities; (6) water pollution is a major concern on 6 of the rivers; (7) 9 of the 27 studies GAO reviewed for cost estimates did not contain detailed, specific land acquisition and management cost estimates that would better enable Congress to decide which rivers to include in the system; (8) 11 of the studies included excessive federal costs as part of the rationale for recommending against including the rivers in the national system; and (9) the Department of the Interior believed the expenditure of funds to prepare specific cost estimates for adding certain rivers to the national system would be imprudent because of strong local opposition.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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