Parks and Recreation
Obligations and Outlays from the Land and Water Conservation Fund Gao ID: RCED-86-159FS May 7, 1986Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Land and Water Conservation Fund's (LWCF) obligations and outlays for fiscal years (FY) 1976 through 1985.
GAO found that: (1) between FY 1965 and 1985, LWCF income totalled $10.2 billion; (2) annual federal outlays averaged $227 million and annual state outlays averaged $203 million; (3) federal agency obligations totalled $2.2 billion, state obligations totalled $1.8 billion, and expected land acquisitions totalled 1.5 million acres; and (4) for the 10-year review period, recreation support facilities received the greatest number of LWCF matching grants. GAO also found that: (1) agencies made some of the LWCF obligations for allowable purposes other than actual land acquisition; (2) in FY 1982, Congress added a line-item appropriation for use in acquisition-related expenses and costs associated with land purchase alternatives; and (3) since LWCF obligations for emergency law enforcement were insufficient for FY 1984 and 1985, agencies used other available funds to meet this need.