Department of the Interior Reports for June 1987
- GGD-87-77FS - Tax Policy (1987-06-03)
Selected Tax Provisions Affecting the Hard Minerals Mining and Timber Industries - RCED-87-129 - Surface Mining (1987-06-05)
States Not Assessing and Collecting Monetary Penalties - RCED-87-152FS - Parks and Recreation (1987-06-12)
Maintenance Costs and Visitor Days at Two Recreation Areas - AFMD-87-21BR - Debt Collection (1987-06-18)
Interior's Efforts To Collect Delinquent Royalties, Fines, and Assessments - RCED-87-98 - Mineral Resources (1987-06-18)
Timely Processing Can Increase Rent Revenue From Certain Oil/Gas Leases - RCED-87-131 - Federal Land Management (1987-06-30)
Nonfederal Land and Mineral Rights Could Impact Future Wilderness Areas