Department of the Interior Reports for September 1989
- OP-11-OH - Adolph T. Samuelson, 1946-1975 (1989-09-01)
- RCED-89-194 - Surface Mining (1989-09-06)
Inadequate Internal Controls Cause Procurement Problems in West Virginia - RCED-89-196 - National Wildlife Refuges (1989-09-08)
Continuing Problems With Incompatible Uses Call for Bold Action - T-RCED-89-61 - Problems With Incompatible Uses on National Wildlife Refuges (1989-09-12)
- GGD-89-92 - Federal Pay (1989-09-25)
U.S. Park Police Compensation Compared With That of Other Police Units - IMTEC-89-70 - Computer Security (1989-09-27)
Identification of Sensitive Systems Operated on Behalf of Ten Agencies - T-RCED-89-69 - Implementation of the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987 (1989-09-28)
- RCED-89-155 - Alaska Wildlife Refuges (1989-09-28)
Restrictive Criteria Used to Recommend Additional Wilderness