EEO at the National Park Service
Gao ID: GGD-94-54R March 3, 1994Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the representation of women and minorities in the National Park Service (NPS), both nationwide and in its San Francisco organizational units, focusing on changes in the representation levels of these groups for fiscal years 1984 to 1992. GAO found that: (1) the relative numbers of women and minorities generally increased between fiscal years 1984 and 1992 and were more pronounced for white and minority women than for minority men; (2) although relative increases did occur, underrepresentation was common among minorities; (3) women were more likely to be in the lower grades of the key jobs they held; (4) all equal employment opportunity groups in the NPS San Francisco workforce except black employees increased in relative numbers between 1984 and 1992; (5) compared to the civilian labor force in San Francisco, black men in the NPS San Francisco workforce were fully represented, but black women were not; (6) in the majority of the years examined, all groups except black and Asian women and Hispanic men entered NPS' key job workforce in higher relative numbers than those at which they were employed; and (7) in a majority of the years examined, most groups, especially white women, black women, and Hispanic men, separated at relative rates that were higher than those at which they were employed in the key job workforce.