School Facilities
Reported Condition and Costs to Repair Schools Funded by Bureau of Indian Affairs Gao ID: HEHS-98-47 December 31, 1997Although the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has invested millions of dollars in schools for Native American children, BIA's inventory of needed repairs totals $754 million. This includes the costs of repairs to all school buildings, including student dormitories and employee housing. Data from a 1994 GAO survey shows that compared with other schools, BIA schools are in poorer condition and are less able to support computer and communications technology.
GAO noted: (1) BIA reports that the cost of the total inventory of repairs needed for BIA education facilities is $754 million; (2) this includes the cost of repairs to all school buildings, including dormitories for students and employee housing; and (3) data from GAO's 1994 National School Facilities Survey show that, compared to other schools nationally, responding BIA schools: (a) are generally in poorer physical condition; (b) have more unsatisfactory environmental factors; (c) more often lack key facilities requirements for education reform; and (d) are less able to support computer and communications technology.