Department of the Interior Reports for March 1998
- RCED-98-43 - Federal Power (1998-03-06)
Options for Selected Power Marketing Administrations' Role in a Changing Electricity Industry - T-RCED-98-122 - National Park Service (1998-03-12)
Concession Reform Issues - GGD-98-46 - Federal Downsizing (1998-03-24)
Agency Officials' Views on Maintaining Performance During Downsizing at Selected Agencies - T-GGD-98-88 - The Public Service (1998-03-24)
Veterans' Preference in Hiring and Reductions-in-Force - T-GGD-98-86 - Kennedy Center (1998-03-25)
Preventing Audit Duplication and Developing Facility Management Capability - T-RCED-98-139 - Disaster Assistance (1998-03-26)
Information on Federal Costs and Approaches for Reducing Them