Department of the Interior Reports for June 2005
- GAO-05-379 - National Energy Policy (2005-06-10)
Inventory of Major Federal Energy Programs and Status of Policy Recommendations - GAO-05-518 - National Mall (2005-06-14)
Steps Identified by Stakeholders Facilitate Design and Approval of Security Enhancements - GAO-05-418 - Oil And Gas Development (2005-06-17)
Increased Permitting Activity Has Lessened BLM's Ability to Meet Its Environmental Protection Responsibilities - GAO-05-377 - Hardrock Mining (2005-06-20)
BLM Needs to Better Manage Financial Assurances to Guarantee Coverage of Reclamation Costs - GAO-05-790 - Homeland Security (2005-06-24)
Actions Needed to Better Protect National Icons and Federal Office Buildings from Terrorism