Department of the Treasury Reports for October 1981
- AFMD-81-68 - Millions Paid Out in Duplicate and Forged Government Checks (1981-10-01)
- AFMD-82-1 - Actions To Improve Timeliness of Bill Paying by the Federal Government Could Save Hundreds of Millions of Dollars (1981-10-08)
- HRD-82-12 - Better Management of Private Pension Plan Data Can Reduce Costs and Improve ERISA Administration (1981-10-19)
- GGD-82-5 - Financial Institution Regulatory Agencies Should Perform Internal Audit Reviews of Their Examination and Supervision Activities (1981-10-19)
- PAD-82-22 - The Congress Should Control Federal Credit Programs To Promote Economic Stabilization (1981-10-21)
- CED-82-3 - Reforming Interest Provisions in Federal Water Laws Could Save Millions (1981-10-22)
- 116761 - The Government's Investigation of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters' Pension Funds (1981-10-28)
- EMD-82-22 - Allegations That Low-Cost Solar Space Heating Systems Are Being Ruled Out in the Solar in Federal Buildings Demonstration Program (1981-10-28)
- B-203025 - Request for Relief From Liability] (1981-10-30)