Department of the Treasury Reports for July 1992
- GGD-92-12R - Foreign Direct Investment (1992-07-01)
- RCED-92-166 - Small Business (1992-07-07)
Use of the Surety Bond Waiver Has Been Limited - GGD-92-92 - Failed Bank (1992-07-07)
FDIC Documentation of CrossLand Savings, FSB, Decision Was Inadequate - GGD-92-115 - Asset Forfeiture (1992-07-16)
Improved Guidance Needed for Use of Shared Assets - HRD-92-60 - Urban Poor (1992-07-17)
Tenant Income Misreporting Deprives Other Families of HUD-Subsidized Housing - AFMD-92-66FS - Financial Management (1992-07-22)
Federal Entities With Treasury and Federal Financing Bank Borrowing Authority - T-GGD-92-62 - Tax Administration (1992-07-22)
IRS' Progress on Integrity and Ethics Issues - T-GGD-92-63 - Tax Administration (1992-07-23)
Improving Independent Contractor Compliance - GGD-92-108 - Tax Administration (1992-07-23)
Approaches for Improving Independent Contractor Compliance - NSIAD-92-260 - Drug Control (1992-07-30)
Oversight Needed to Prevent Acquisition of Unnecessary Equipment - GGD-92-118 - Tax Administration (1992-07-31)
Congress Needs More Information on Compliance Initiative Results