Department of the Treasury Reports for September 1996
- AA-96-24(4) - Civil Financial Audits Issue Area (1996-09-03)
Active Assignments - GGD-96-163 - Customs Service (1996-09-03)
Status of the Implementation of Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations - GGD-96-175 - Tax Administration (1996-09-03)
Income Tax Treatment of Married and Single Individuals - NSIAD/RCED-96-252 - Terrorism and Drug Trafficking (1996-09-04)
Technologies for Detecting Explosives and Narcotics - AIMD/GGD-96-152 - Internal Revenue Service (1996-09-09)
Business Operations Need Continued Improvement - T-AIMD/GGD-96-188 - IRS Operations (1996-09-10)
Critical Need to Continue Improving Core Business Practices - T-AIMD-96-165 - Tax Systems Modernization (1996-09-10)
Actions Underway But Management and Technical Weaknesses Not Yet Corrected - GGD-96-174 - Federal Firearms Licensee Data (1996-09-11)
ATF's Compliance with Statutory Restrictions - T-GGD-96-191 - Federal Labor Relations (1996-09-11)
Official Time Used for Union Activities - T-NSIAD-96-239 - Drug Control (1996-09-12)
Observations on Counternarcotics Activities in Mexico - GGD-96-184R - Insular Areas Update (1996-09-13)
- GGD-96-172 - Earned Income Credit (1996-09-18)
IRS' 1995 Controls Stopped Some Noncompliance, But Not Without Problems - NSIAD-96-186 - Textile Trade (1996-09-19)
Operations of the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements - T-AIMD-96-170 - IRS Financial Audits (1996-09-19)
Status of Efforts to Resolve Financial Management Weaknesses - AIMD-96-150 - Inspectors General (1996-09-20)
A Comparison of Certain Activities of the Postal IG and Other IGs - GGD-96-161R - IRS Tax Collection Reengineering (1996-09-24)
- AIMD-96-110 - Information Security (1996-09-24)
Opportunities for Improved OMB Oversight of Agency Practices - NSIAD-96-212 - World Bank (1996-09-26)
U.S. Interests Supported, but Oversight Needed to Help Ensure Improved Performance - GGD-96-189BR - Customs Service (1996-09-26)
Drug Interdiction Efforts - GGD-96-193R - Summary of Selected GAO Reports (1996-09-26)
- AIMD-96-64 - Information Technology Investment (1996-09-30)
Agencies Can Improve Performance, Reduce Costs, and Minimize Risks - GGD-96-154 - Federal Law Enforcement (1996-09-30)
Investigative Authority and Personnel at 13 Agencies